Simple Reminder...

I wrote this last week during a period when finding happiness, staying positive, and even getting...

What’s Good Friend,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wrote this last week during a period when finding happiness, staying positive, and even getting out of bed felt like an uphill war. By midweek, I felt completely defeated.

In moments like these, I find myself facing two decisions: first, whether to allow myself the rest I likely need, and second, how long to dwell in that state. In my book "Intentionally Here," I shared a simple reminder that helped me bounce back quicker than usual.

Simpler Reminder #35: Choose to show up authentically with transparency and honesty, regardless of how others respond.

Lately, I've found myself in some "I’ll be darned if I do, I’ll be darned if I don’t" situations, prompting me to question my actions rather than those of others. I firmly believe that things don’t happen by chance. When I pray and ask God to Bless My Vision and Bless My Dream, I trust that He has already begun to lay out the path He wants me to follow, just as He has for you.

One crucial thing to remember is that when you show up, you’re doing it for yourself first and foremost. Authenticity isn't always easy. It requires vulnerability and the willingness to be seen for who we truly are, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary. It means letting go of the need for approval or validation from others and embracing our unique identities and experiences.

For me, it's also difficult to admit to friends and loved ones when I’m feeling down, but I’ve been making an effort to share more for accountability.

So, as we navigate our journey towards authenticity, safety, and giving ourselves space and time to feel, remember that it's not about being perfect; it's about being human. Embrace your imperfections, celebrate your uniqueness, and choose to show up authentically, one moment at a time.

Oh! and remember: you are enough, just as you are.

With gratitude,

Shakeyla M. Ingram

P.S. I love you!


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