
Meeting that person on the other side is something to be proud of...

What’s Good Friend! 

Growth… I want you to pause for a second and think about who you're becoming. I ask that you do this, because I know you’ve been showing up—intentionally, even when it’s hard (I have too).

Here’s why I’m asking this, I’m reminding myself that Growth isn’t just about crossing things off a to-do list; it’s about meeting the next version of you on the other side of all this work. And I promise you, the person waiting for you? They’re stronger, wiser, and aligned in ways you can’t even imagine yet. I know this because I’ve been here a few times as I’ve recalled in my book… Let’s think about this person, and maybe journal about it.

Who is that person?
What will they carry with them that you’re building right now?

Now! We both know that real… growth isn’t always cute. It’s tough, it’s messy, and sometimes it feels like nothing’s changing. Trust that every small step, every lesson learned, every hard choice—it’s all getting you closer to that next version of you. And as we head into the last quarter of the year, it’s time to embrace that. Time to reflect on what 2024 has brought you—the wins and the lessons—and how you can prepare for what’s next.

Just a reminder…

We’re in the final 48 hours before #NationalVoterRegistrationDay !

GIF by Election 2016

Gif by LittleTheMovie on Giphy

Let’s reflect on our Wins and Lessons from 2024

As we look toward Q4, I want you to take a moment to celebrate your wins—big or small—and recognize the lessons that came from those challenges that shook you.

Know that every piece of this intentional journey is important, even when it feels tough. Now’s the time to ask yourself:

What do I need to focus on in Q4 to show up as my best self in 2025?

I firmly believe 2025 is going to bring opportunities that will position you in a place of excellence, but the foundation for that is being built right now. Whether it’s tightening up your habits, leaning more into your purpose, or simply taking care of yourself, showing up for these last few months of the year is how you get ready for the greatness to come.

So as we step into this last quarter, let’s stay grounded in our growth and intentional about the choices we make. The person you’re becoming is already in motion—keep showing up for them. They’ll thank you for it, and I’ll be right here watching the magic happen and cheering you on!

With love,

Shakeyla M. Ingram


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