Embrace Intentionality as We Enter the Last Quarter of the Year

What if, for the rest of the year, you chose to be truly intentional?

What’s Good Friend! 

As we approach the last quarter of the year, I want to ask you something important—What if, for the rest of the year, you chose to be truly intentional?

I’ve also been asking myself the same… What if you were intentional with your goals, showing up every day with pride and clarity? What if you were intentional with your relationships, pouring love and energy into those who matter most? What if you were intentional with your self-care, taking the time to nourish your soul and body? AND what if you were intentional with your growth, stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to reach new heights?

Imagine the difference. Imagine the impact. This is your reminder—choose intentionality, and unlock the life you’ve always wanted. September is the last month of Quarter 3 and the it’s game time in Quarter 4! So, awe move into this final stretch of the year, let's commit to showing up fully, with pride and with intentionality.

The power is in your hands.

National Voter Registration Day: Make It Count!

September marks National Voter Registration Day, and it’s time to make it count. It’s important to know that registering to vote is the first step toward making your voice heard. Whether it’s your first time or you’re double-checking your registration status, this very simple act is the gateway to showing up at the polls and making a difference in your community.

September 17, 2024 is a civic holiday dedicated to celebrating democracy. Since its kickoff in 2012, the holiday and its team of thousands of Partners have worked to get over 5 million Americans registered to vote in time for their next trip to the ballot box.

Remember, every vote matters, and every voice counts. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by—make sure you’re registered, and encourage others to do the same.

Register To Vote Voter Registration GIF by GIPHY News

Gif by LittleTheMovie on Giphy

Celebrate National Literacy Day with Intention!

In honor of National Literacy Day, I’m excited to announce that my book Intentionally Here: Here’s What Happens When You Show Up for Yourself and the accompanying coloring books will be on sale until September 6. I believe literacy is the foundation of empowerment, and there’s no better time to invest in your personal growth and creativity.

Whether you're starting your journey of intentional living or looking for a meaningful gift for someone special, this is the perfect opportunity to dive into the pages of Intentionally Here and let the words inspire you to show up for yourself in new and impactful ways.

With love,

Shakeyla M. Ingram


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